Regina Hanel, Author
Creating Stories About Powerful Women and Love





Author's Note: If you enjoy a book, one of the best ways to thank the author is to write a review and let your friends know.  If you don't like a book and write a review, please do so respectfully. Consider the time, effort, and soul that went into writing it. Corrective criticism will be well received by authors, even if difficult to read, but comments not moored in truth are better withheld, and comments based on differences of opinion regarding an author's choices would be better presented if clarified as such, rather than presented as if the author's choice were an error.  Every reader has their own views, and the best way to judge a book is to read it for yourself. 

Thank you to everyone who took the time to write a review.

Love Another Day-Review by Author Anna Furtado in the November edition of Just About Write e-zine. 

Park Ranger Samantha Takoda Tyler is assigned to Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. The majesty of the park does little to soothe her painful memories and old regrets. Sam leads the quiet life of a loner, doing her job and interacting with her coworkers on a superficial level. So when she is assigned to escort a young photographer and journalist named Halie Walker on assignment in the Tetons for an international wildlife magazine, Sam isn’t very happy. At first, she’s annoyed with Halie’s interloping presence, but slowly, Sam warms to Halie, and the attraction the two women feel for one another becomes inevitable.

As Sam and Halie explore the park and their relationship blooms, Sam’s fears of starting a new liaison, only to lose the person she cares deeply for, interferes with the progress of the budding romance. In addition, there are the park-related difficulties of keeping people out of trouble, and Sam proves to be a classic Hero figure in this compelling story, saving children from drowning and intervening when an abuser attacks his wife while vacationing in the park.

When Sam goes to work on a fire line in a nearby forest, she begins to realize that she can no longer deny what she feels for Halie. She decides that she should try to mend their broken relationship by trying to be honest with the object of her affection. However, because of Sam’s jealousy of another park employee who has tried to develop a relationship with Halie, albeit, a possibly predatory one, Halie acts impulsively, boarding a helicopter with people of questionable background and motives on a lark, which leads to disaster for all aboard.

Just as Sam returns from the fire, determined to talk to Halie, she discovers that Halie was on the helicopter that went down in the mountains. This begins the Hero’s final journey. If she can overcome her exhaustion and her fear of history repeating itself to reach the chopper and rescue the love of her life, she may well be delivered from the demons of her past and find both love and salvation. However, there are roadblocks to be overcome—both internal and external—and whether or not Sam will be successful is in question throughout the last half of the book.

Hanel gives us vivid descriptions of the beautiful Grand Teton area throughout the story. Sam is a strong, though flawed, character for whom the reader will root. In spite of her debilitating and painful past, we want her to recover and succeed. Halie is an innocent with something to prove, especially to Sam. We recognize her beauty and her potential to play a part in Sam’s healing, but wonder if she’s strong enough to endure. In the pages of Love Another Day, a story unfolds that is both challenging and compelling—and sure to hold the reader’s interest page after page.
Reviewed by Anna Furtado


White Dragon:

Posted on

This is the sequel to Love Another Day and I enjoyed it more than the 1st book. The pace was more fluid, the characters more developed and there's a lot going on that makes the story very enjoyable. There is vandalism, a little suspense, scary adventures, an undeniable attraction, great friends old and new, beautiful setting and a lot of love. Well done!
