Regina Hanel, Author
Creating Stories About Powerful Women and Love







ISBN:   978-1-61929-454-7
Format: Trade Paper,  305 pages
Available in ebook/ Paperback/ Hardcover                                              

Publication Date:  July 1, 2021
Publisher: Flashpoint Publications

Jessica Madison, Professor of History and Archeology at St. Albans University in Connecticut, enjoys teaching, but her passion, perhaps near obsession, is to prove that a mythical figure living in medieval times, over one thousand years ago, was real. 

Having secured funding to lead a small archeological excavation in England, Jess begins her search for evidence of Cassethea of Mercia, a heroic woman who was said to have rescued enslaved women and children from their oppressors.
From the start of Jess’ arrival in Devonsbury, she’s rebuffed by the sarcasm oozing from tavern owner Rayne Kvale, and hopes their first meeting will be their last. But unexpected events entwine Jess in Rayne’s existence, and Rayne in hers.
As the excavation unfolds, many truths, past and present, come to light. Jess discovers more than she had bargained for, and finds that uncovering the past may not be her only passion.    
In February 2022, I made a prerecorded "Pearl" video/reading from Cassethea of Mercia for the Gulfport, Florida Read Out Festival of Lesbian Literature.  You can find out more information about all the participating authors at Read Out.



The book is available from the following Distributors:  Ingram, Bella Distribution and the following retailers:


Ten percent of the royalties I receive from Cassethea of Mercia book sales I'm donating to various charities and non-profits (now and for the life of the book) for cancer research and research for other illnesses, in support of human and animal rights issues, for animal shelters and food banks, and others.

